Welcome to the Software Technology and Intelligence Research Lab (STIL). STIL Lab is part of the department of Software Engineering and IT at ETS Montreal, University of Quebec.

ETS Montreal is specialized in applied research and teaching in engineering and technology transfer, and ranked 1st in Quebec and 2nd in Canada for the total number of engineering diplomas awarded annually.

About me

Ali Ouni is a Professor in the Department of Software Engineering and IT at École de technologie superieure (ÉTS Montréal), University of Quebec, where he leads the Software Technology and Intelligence Research Lab (STIL), since 2017. He is the recipient of the CS-Can/Info-Can Outstanding Early Career Computer Science Researcher Award, in 2023, the Research Ecellence Award (Releve) of the University of Quebec in 2023, the Research Ecellence Award-Emerging Researcher from ÉTS Montreal in 2021, and the Excellence Award from the University of Montreal for his PhD thesis in 2014. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Montreal. Before joining ETS Montreal, he has been an assistant professor at Osaka University, Japan, and UAE University. He has served as a visiting researcher at Missouri University of Science and Technology, and University of Michigan, in 2013 and 2014 respectively. His research interests are in software engineering including software maintenance and evolution, refactoring of software systems, software quality, service-oriented computing, and the application of artificial intelligence techniques to software engineering. He served as a program commitee member and reviewer in several journals and conferences. He is the receiptient of the and the 10-Year Most Influential Paper Award at ICPC 2021 and several Best Paper Awards in recognition of his research quality and impact (MSR 2024 Mining Track, SIGCSE 2024, ICSOC 2022, MSR 2021 Mining Track, ICGSE 2020, ICSR 2020, IWoR 2019, Energies 2018, ICWS 2016). He is a member of the IEEE.

Software Technology and Intelligence Lab (STIL)

The main goal of the STI Research Lab is to design, develop, evaluate and deploy techniques and solutions to solve software engineering problems in order to to help software practitioners improve their software systems more effectively and efficiently. In particular, the STI Lab uses various Artificial Intelligence (machine learning, metaheuristics, deep learning) and Data Science (data mining, data analysis, knowledge extraction, statistics) techniques to address various problems in software engineering. We have a specific interest and expertise in the following topics:

  • Automating Software Development Using Artificial Intelligence
  • Search Based Software Engineering
  • Software Maintenance and Evolution
  • Software Refactoring
  • Technical Debt and Software Quality Assurance
  • Empirical Software Engineering
  • Human aspects in Software Engineering

The mission of the STI Research Lab includes:

  • Designing, developing, deploying, and evaluating techniques, methods and tools to support software practitioners in developing and evolving complex software systems.
  • Preparing students to leading positions in academia and in software industry.

Looking for Students!

The STI Research Lab is always looking for motivated and hard working PhD, Masters, and undergraduate students to work on challenging topics on software maintenance and evolution. For more details, please see the STI Lab’s research interests and current and previous work.

If you are excited and motivated to work on related topics, then send an email to Dr. Ali Ouni (ali.ouni@etsmtl.ca) with your CV, achievements, publications (if any), and a brief note explaining why you want to join my research team. I would be happy also to discuss other well thought-out research ideas!